Posts Tagged ‘Colin Weldon’

The last few days have been spent blueprinting certain character arcs and introducing some new ones. At 1,000 words a day I am still on track to be finished the first draft by November 30th. It’s absolutely horrible in Ireland at the moment with Yellow alerts being issued due to constant rain. October is a great month to write because you can’t go outside in this country. Not to get ahead of my myself but I started looking at book cover designs late last night. It’s probably a detail that my publisher will look after when I sell it 😉 but just in case it gets politely rejected i am looking for ideas for the self publishing arena. Sci-Fi book covers all seem to have space ships on them.. so it can be tricky to differentiate between them. I am probably going to look for a different angle to the whole look of the cover. Any ideas are warmly welcome !!

Messy writing days are awful. That’s 1,000 words probably consigned to the trash. Maybe maybe not but sometimes it just does’t flow. The tricky part of science fiction is getting bogged down in the tech. Having the flu doesn’t help either. Each word today was a marathon of thought and it couldn’t have come at a worse time. Bang smack in the middle of a big reveal about alien DNA… of which no such thing exists .. so much research on DNA variations and how it chemically fits together. My head hurts. When this happens it gets a special book mark. The red mark of “this scene is a piece of shit”. We’ll revisit at the end of the first draft. Right now we’re just laying down tracks. The real writing comes with the rewrites. Get your story out on paper no matter what. Sick, tired, grumpy, no inspiration, no time whatever. Just get it out.





Ordinarily I wouldn’t write much late in the evening. Mainly because my working day takes it out of me and my brain just wants silly Netflix shows or the latest PS4 games. (Alien Isolation has me sucked in right now). Tonight was different. It was quiet day today and I had a moment of clarity about a particular scene I am working on. The interaction of my lead characters has been bothering me of late because up until recently they have been separated in the novel by location differences and haven’t had much face time together to get the chemistry rolling between them.

I got home and cranked out 1,000 words in a twenty minutes. (which almost never happens) but when it does you have to jump at it. Granted maybe a third of that is gobbledygook but when lightning strikes you have to just go with the flow. The main theme of the scene was to establish a new rapport between two of the lead characters. Writing Sci-Fi means world building and if you’re not careful the first half of your novel is spent creating the universe at great expense to the story. I am a firm believer in the power of the readers imagination and some of the greatest stories I have ever read have allowed a lot of the details of the given universe to be decided upon by reader. That’s not to say you have a right to say things like (And then they landed on the planet) without giving any sort of description of the environment but there is no reason to delve into the microscopic details of every single plant. Tell the story. Thats the priority.




Sorry to have to start my blogging world so far into my first novel I had been doing quick snippets on tumbler but was advised to take it a little more seriously so here we are on WordPress… god help us all. My name is Colin Weldon. I have been writing for most of my life but at 34 years of age I am finally taking a stab at my first novel. It was something I supposed to start ten years ago but procrastination and self doubt being what it is the fingers didn’t start tapping until six months ago. I had started this journey on a very simple premise. Type three hundred words a day. Every day no matter what. My apartment started to quickly fill up with post it notes and note books and scraps of paper with ideas scribbled on them. No order to the chaos. (A Borgs nightmare..for any trekkies). My three hundred words a day turned to five hundred a day and as the story began to tumble out so did the word count. I am usually clocking in around 1,000 to 1,200 words a day now with a view to completing the first draft in Early December if not before. My first book is a science fiction story. I was always taught to write what you know and Sci-Fi is embedded in every idea I have had. I was going to start out by writing a thriller but every time the fingers hit the pad I was struck with an overbearing sense to get a particular story out. The first quarter of the book is currently in a awful state of affairs. The writing of the first chapter is pretty horrible to look at and hopefully it will never see the light of day. But the bones are there. A sculptor cant sculpt without clay and right now I have lots of clay. Writing a first draft is like taking that clay and hauling it up 25 flights of stairs to get it into your apartment so that you can work on it. It’s tough work. Really tough work and pretty thankless. Unless you have a significant other who pats you on the back for your effort.

About a quarter the way through I was introduced to Scrivner which helped enormously in my organisation of the book. I love the feature that allowed you to black out the rest of the distracting computer background images and concentrate purely on the words. If anyone is even thinking of taking on a novel get this programme. It’t totally worth it.


Chat soon


Colin 😉 20141008_141337