Posts Tagged ‘Hollywood’

I have to admit to being more excited by this movie more than any of the other tent pole movies next summer. I’ll admit to being a bit of a blockbuster addict. Granted you won’t find life changing story lines or even coherent ones most of the time but they entertain the hell out of you for hours. I have a certain connection with the Terminator franchise as the original was the first (over 18’s) movie I had ever seen on VHS. Jesus how old am I. I was totally blown away by it. It was the wonderful age of James Cameron when he was still hungry to make gritty awe inspiring cinema. Arnold Schwarzenegger is 67 years old. Has been a world body building champion, movie star and Governor. As a kid there was no bigger man in Hollywood and nobody that could hold a screen, or an M134 Minigun, quite like him. Although I wasn’t very fond of the third or fourth instalments of the franchise there were elements of both that I loved. The secret that director Alan Taylor is hoping will cement the latest outing is a similar one that J.J. Abrams is hoping to fuse in the new Star Wars movie. How to win back old fans and try to make it fresh for the new. Well it’s simple. We want to see the T-1000 (who cares if he is Asian or not?), We want to see Arnold, we want to see cop cars from the 80’s. We also want to see Han Solo and Chewbacca take a cruise in the Millennium Falcon one more time. Those two things will guarantee bums on seats this summer. It’s not rocket science. But after that a we want a bit of grit to the new Terminator. Gone are the days of X rated or Over 18’s movies (The excellent ‘Dredd’ excluded of course. More about that another day) so as long we don’t completely drown in C.G.I. and there are some tight one liners and a genuine wink back to the original practical way the first two movies were executed than this will be a fun couple of hours away from the world. I for one am totally pumped to see the metallic forearm of the T-800 attached to one of the biggest stars of all time once more. I’ll be back !