Posts Tagged ‘TMT’

I broke just over 53000 today. Getting in the meat and potatoes of the story now. The blue print for where the story is going still have a few places to go and I am having great debates as to where to take it. I’ll have to have the last third of the plot locked in by the next four or five thousand words otherwise we’ll run into plot holes. Some of which you can fix in the rewrite but I don’t want to end up writing a completely new story because of flakyness.

An amazing project has broken ground on the summit of Mauna Kea Hawaii. The TMT (Thirty meter telescope) is the boldest and most exciting piece of optics in the history of the world. When trying to plan the technology of my novel I took a lot of the potential imaging techniques from this type of observatory. The thirty meter telescope will be made up of a 492 segment 30 meter primary mirror. The potential resolution of the images that will be captured on this could be up to 12 times that of the Hubble Space telescope.

In most science fiction stories there is some form of stellar cartography involved in the story especially when you are telling a tale that involves some form of FTL travel. Accurate mapping of star systems is crucial to my story and so is the theoretical technology that allows humans 300 years in the future to see deep into the universe. For more information on the TMT click on the link below.

tmt with the laser guide star at night